Lesnic Evelina : The assessment of different tuberculosis-related features in Moldova regions

Popa Vasile : Mortality through associated illnesses in tuberculosis patients and post-mortem pulmonary tuberculosis diagnosis in Chisinau
Lacusta Victor, Fala Valeriu, Romaniuc Dumitru, Bordeniuc Gheorghe, Fala Paula : Coffee consumption influence upon the clinico-neurophysiological manifestations of primary sleep bruxism
Lesnic Evelina, Ciobanu Serghei : Determinants of loss to follow-up and tuberculosis patients’ awareness
Oshurko Anatolii, Oliinyk Ihor, Tsyhykalo Oleksandr : Methodology of computed tomography of maxillofacial and craniocerebral regions by means of vertical fixation of the examined objects
Bour Alin, Gugava Vahtang : Surgical treatment of patients with hemorrhoids by using traditional and minimally invasive methods
Lesnic Evelina, Kulcitkaia Stela, Niguleanu Adriana : Clinical presentation, risk factors and outcome of tuberculosis in military recruits
Rusu Victoria : Metabolism and physiological effects of carbon dioxide. Implications in anaesthetic management
RaevschiElena : Overview of evolution of premature mortality from major cardiovascular diseases in the Republic of Moldova, 2003-2015
Slobodian Olexandr, Guzik Olexandra : Anatomic peculiarities of cervix uteri ligaments in pre- and postnatal human ontogenesis
RaevschiElena, Ababii Ion, Vataman Eleonora : Management of Delphi study regarding the development of ongoing behavioral risk factor surveillance system in the Republic of Moldova