Dissolution: Fundamentals of In Vitro Release and
the Biopharmaceutics Classification System ……………… 1
Kevin C. Johnson
2. Pharmacokinetics: Basics of Drug Absorption from
a Biopharmaceutical Perspective …………………….. 29
Sandhya K. Apparaju and Srikanth C. Nallani
3. Approaches to Developing In Vitro – In Vivo
Correlation Models ……………………………… 47
Adrian Dunne
4. The Role of In Vitro – In Vivo Correlation in Product
Development and Life Cycle Management ……………… 71
Shoufeng Li, Martin Mueller-Zsigmondy, and Hequn Yin
5. In Vitro – In Vivo Correlation ……………………… 107
Nishit B. Modi
6. IVIVC for Oral Drug Delivery: Immediate Release and Extended
Release Dosage Forms …………………………… 125
Colm Farrell and Siobhan Hayes
7. In Vitro – In Vivo Correlation for Modified Release
Parenteral Drug Delivery Systems ………………….. 141
David Young
8. In Vitro – In Vivo Correlation: Transdermal Drug
Delivery Systems . ……………………………… 153
Ayyappa Chaturvedula and Ajay K. Banga
9. In Vitro – In Vivo Correlation: A Regulatory Perspective
with Case Studies ……………………………… 177
Patrick J. Marroum
Index …. 197