Dumbraveanu Ion, Ciuhrii Ceslav, Tanase Adrian : Anti-inflammatory activity of Adenoprosin in nonbacterial prostatitis
Zorina Zinovia, Catereniuc Ilia, Babuci Angela, Botnari Tatiana, Certan Galina : Variants of branching of the upper limb arteries
Lesnic Evelina : Oxidative stress and inflammation biomarkers in pulmonary tuberculosis
Ghicavii Victor, Podgurschi Lilia, Pogonea Ina, Rakovschi Tatiana : Peculiarities of using drugs in the elderly
Dolapciu Elena : From body mass index to body composition analysis in diagnostic of childhood obesity
Capros Hristiana, Mihalcean Luminita, Porfire Liliana, Surguci Mihail : Recommended options in preventing the postpartum hemorrhage
Draguta Ilarion, Lupasco Constantin, Gorincioi Ghenadie, Targon Roman, Draguta Diana : About causes of early-stage asymptomatic prostate cancer
Suman Serghei, Topor Boris, Suman Ala : Proiority in classification of cervical fasciae
Rosca Daniela : Fetal and neonatal complications of diabetic pregnancy