Ciobanu Natalia, Ciobanu Sergiu : Femoral neck fractures in patients with stroke sequelae
Lesnic Evelina, Niguleanu Adriana, Ciobanu Serghei, Todoriko Liliya : Predictive factors associated to low tuberculosis treatment outcome: a cross sectional study
Railean Silvia : Cranial deformities as a risk factor in the harmonious development of oral and maxillofacial region
Fiser Lucia : Acupuncture, Moxibustion and Chinese herbs in prevention of nosocomial infection in patients with acute cerebrovascular accident
Olaru Andrei : Infrared thermographic evaluation of patients with metastatic vertebral fractures after combined minimal invasive surgical treatment
Capros Hristiana, Scoricova Iana, Mihalcean Luminita : Intrauterine growth restriction: contemporary issues in diagnosis and management
Baltaga Ruslan, Tibirnac Petru : Usage of cardiotonic drugs at the intensive care units

Visternicean Elena : The role of homocysteine in endothelial dysfunction
Grib Liviu, Cenusa Octavian, Varvariuc Viorica, Abras Marcel, Grib Andrei, Grajdieru Romeo : Radiofrequency ablation – new insights into the modern treatment of atrial flutter and fibrillation
Popovich S. V., Katerenchuk I. P. : Traumeel S – bioregulatory approach in the treatment of inflammation