Section I, Introduction to Liver Biology
1 Liver stem cells in persistent viral infection, liver
regeneration and cancer, 3
Stuart Forbes, Malcolm Alison
2 Hepatic immunology, 15
Cliona O’Farrelly, Robert H Pierce, Nicholas Crispe
Section II, Clinical Aspects of Viral
Hepatitis, 31
3 Clinical features of hepatitis, 33
Arie Regev, Eugene R Schiff
4 Diagnostic approach to viral hepatitis, 50
Julie C Servoss, Lawrence S Friedman, Jules L Dienstag
5 Evolution of hepatitis viruses, 65
Peter Simmonds
Section III, Hepatitis A Virus
6 Structure and molecular virology, 79
Stanley M Lemon, Annette Martin
7 Epidemiology, 92
Mike G Catton, Stephen A Locarnini
8 Natural history and experimental models, 109
Robert H Purcell, Suzanne U Emerson
9 Prevention, 126
Beth P Bell
Section IV, Hepatitis B Virus and Other
10 Structure and molecular virology, 149
Michael Kann, Wolfram H Gerlich
11 Epidemiology, 181
Daniel Lavanchy
12 Avihepadnaviridae, 193
Allison R Jilbert, Stephen A Locarnini
13 Woodchuck hepatitis virus, 210
Michael Roggendorf, Michael Lu

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vi Contents
29 Central nervous system complications, 482
Daniel M Forton, Simon D Taylor-Robinson, I Jane Cox,
Howard C Thomas
30 In vitro replication models, 496
Ralf Bartenschlager, Sandra Sparacio
31 Progression of fi brosis, 511
Thierry Poynard, Vlad Ratziu, Yves Benhamou,
Dominique Thabut, Joseph Moussalli
32 The natural history of hepatitis C and
hepatocellular carcinoma, 520
Edward Tabor
33 Treatment of chronic hepatitis C, 526
Jenny Heathcote, Janice Main
34 New drugs for the management of hepatitis C, 540
John G McHutchison, Jennifer M King, Amany Zekry
35 Prevention, 553
Sergio Abrignani, Grazia Galli, Michael Houghton
Section VI, Hepatitis D Virus
36 Structure and molecular virology, 571
Michael MC Lai
37 Epidemiology and natural history, 583
Floriano Rosina, Mario Rizzetto
38 Treatment, 593
Grazia Anna Niro, Floriano Rosina, Mario Rizzetto
Section VII, Hepatitis E Virus
39 Structure and molecular virology, 603
David A Anderson, R Holland Cheng
40 Hepatitis E as a zoonotic disease, 611
Xiang-Jin Meng
41 Epidemiology, clinical and pathologic features,
diagnosis, and experimental models, 624
Kris Krawczynski, Rakesh Aggarwal, Saleem Kamili
42 Prevention, 635
Robert H Purcell, Suzanne U Emerson
Section VIII, Clinical Aspects of Viral Liver
43 Aetiology of fulminant hepatitis, 651
Kittichai Promrat, Jack R Wands

44 Treatment of fulminant hepatitis, 666
Kinan Rifai, Hans L Tillmann, Michael P Manns
45 Hepatitis and haemophilia, 682
Christine A Lee
46 Occupational aspects of hepatitis, 693
William L Irving, Kit Harling
47 Neonatal and paediatric infection, 714
Deirdre Kelly, Elizabeth Boxall
48 Management of hepatocellular cancer, 740
Helen L Reeves, Jordi Bruix
49 Application of molecular biology to the diagnosis of
viral hepatitis, 755
Jean-Michel Pawlotsky
50 Hepatitis in HIV-infected persons, 769
Janice Main, Brendan McCarron

51 Treatment of extrahepatic diseases caused by hepa-
titis B and hepatitis C viruses, 780

Philippe Merle, Christian Trepo

52 The histologist’s role in the diagnosis and manage-
ment of chronic hepatitis B and C, 794

Robert Goldin, Geoffrey M Dusheiko
53 Disinfection and sterilization, 804
Martin S Favero, Walter W Bond
54 Mechanisms of interferon resistance, 815
Darius Moradpour, Markus H Heim, Hubert E Blum
55 New in vitro testing systems for hepatitis B and C
viruses, 824
David Durantel, Olivier Hantz, Christian Trepo, Fabien
56 New vaccine technologies and the control of viral
hepatitis, 841
Colin R Howard
57 Safety of hepatitis B vaccines, 851
Arie J Zuckerman
58 Before and since the discovery of Australia antigen:
a chronological review of viral hepatitis, 854
Philip P Mortimer, Arie J Zuckerman
Index, 865
Colour plate section appears facing p. 786