The object of this book is to approach gastroenterology in the
way that patients present, rather than in traditional organ based
physiology and pathology. Both approaches have drawbacks,
and diseases do not necessarily fit cleanly into either grouping.
We have attempted to cover topics in two-page ‘learning units’
but of necessity some require more extensive coverage and this
has been given. In keeping with other books in this series, the
format uses individually designed double page spreads, gener-
ously illustrated with photographs, line drawings and tables.
Summary boxes reinforce important concepts and act as revi-
sion aids.
The text is aimed at medical students, junior hospital doc-
tors, general practitioners and specialist nurse practitioners in
gastroenterology. The text labours the importance of the history
and examination in clinical practice because, despite huge
advances in investigations and particularly in imaging, these are
the cornerstone to effective management.