1. Utilization of Family Planning Contraceptives among Women in the Coastal Area of South Buru District, Maluku, 2017
  2. Evaluation of Program for Overcoming Intestinal Worm Infections among Children
  3. Determinants of Stunted Children in Indonesia: A Multilevel
    Analysis at the Individual, Household, and Community Levels
  4. Health Risk Behaviors: Smoking, Alcohol, Drugs, and Dating among Youths in Rural Central Java
  5. Effects of Diabetes on the Output of Farmer and Its Policy Implications
  6. Entomological Index and Home Environment Contribution to Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever in Mataram City, Indonesia
  7. Qualitative Exploration of Experiences and Consequences of
    Health-related Stigma among Indonesians with HIV, Leprosy, Schizophrenia and Diabetes