1. Variations of gelatin percentages in HA-TCP scaffolds as the result of 6- and 12-hour sintering processes of blood cockle (Anadara granosa) shells against porosity
Desak Putu Sudarmi Ari, Firda Dean Yonatasya, Gita Saftiarini, and Widyasri Prananingrum ……………………………………………………….. 158–163
2. Antioxidant activity test of ethyl acetate fraction of binjai (Mangifera caesia) leaf ethanol extract
K. Khairiah, Irham Taufiqurrahman, and Deby Kania Tri Putri ………………………………………. 164–168
3. The difference between residual monomer dentin bonding HEMA and UDMA with acetone and ethanol solvent after binding to type I collagen
Normayanti, Adioro Soetojo, and Nirawati Pribadi …………………………………………………………… 169–172
4. A comparison between orthodontic model analysis using conventional methods and iModelAnalysis
Vita Previa Indirayana, Gita Gayatri, and N. R. Yuliawati Zenab ……………………………………… 173–178
5. A study of cytotoxicity and proliferation of Cosmos caudatus Kunth leaf extract in human gingival fibroblast culture
Zhafira Nur Shabrina, Ni Putu Mira Sumarta, and Coen Pramono ……………………………………. 179–184
6. Considerations in performing odontectomy under general anesthesia: case series
Anindita Zahratur Rasyida and Andra Rizqiawan …………………………………………………………….. 185–188
7. Application of pomegranate (Punica granatum Linn.) fruit extract for accelerating post tooth extraction wound healing
Intan Nirwana ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 189–193
8. Cytotoxicity test and characteristics of demineralized dentin matrix scaffolds in adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells of rats
Desi Sandra Sari, Ernie Maduratna, F. Ferdiansyah, I Ketut Sudiana, and Fedik Abdul Rantam ………………………….. 194–199
9. Contrasting perceptions of male and female dental students regarding smile aesthetics based on
their gingival display
Yessy Josephine Sijabat, C. Christnawati, and Dyah Karunia ……………………………………………. 200–204
10. The effects of Acanthus ilicifolius chloroform extract on TLR-2 expression of macrophages in oral candidiasis
Dwi Andriani and Agni Febrina Pargaputri ………………………………………………………………………. 205–209
11. The evaluation of mandibular bone density in chronic periodontitis models
Yuliana Mahdiyah Da’at Arina, F. Ferdiansyah, and Mohamad Rubianto …………………………. 210–215
12. Horizontal transmission Streptococcus mutans of dental caries in kindergarten student
Retno Indrawati ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 216–221