1. Differences in mucin expression in the submandibular glands of rats during peridontitis induction
Nunuk Purwanti, Banun Kusumawardhani, and Kwartarini Murdiastuti…………………………… 52–56
2. Effects of silkworm fiber position on flexural and compressive properties of silk fiber-reinforced composites
Ariyani Faizah, Dendy Murdiyanto, Yulita Nur Widyawati, and Narawidya Laksmi Dewi…. 57–61
3. Management of palatal perforation in systemic lupus erythematosus patient
Dwi Setianingtyas, Paulus Budi Teguh, Widyastuti, Neken Prasetyaningtyas, Ramadhan Hardani Putra, and Felicia Eda Haryanto………………………………… 62–66
4. Mauli banana stem extract application increased expression of NF-kB in traumatic ulcer healing
Maharani Laillyza Apriasari, Retno Pudji Rahayu, and Diah Savitri Ernawati…………………… 67–70
5. Behavior management-based applied behaviour analysis within dental examination of children with autism spectrum disorder
Taufiqi Hidayatullah, Hendriati Agustiani, and Arlette Suzy Setiawan………………………………. 71–75
6. Management of chronic traumatic ulcer mimicking oral squamous cell carcinoma on the tongue
Revi Nelonda and Riani Setiadhi……………………………………………………………………………………….. 76–80
7. Mandibular morphology of the Mongoloid race in Medan according to age groups
Maria Sitanggang and Trelia Boel……………………………………………………………………………………… 81–85
8. Effects of Moringa oleifera leaf extract combined with DFBBX on type-1 collagen expressed by osteoblasts in the tooth extraction sockets of Cavia cobaya
Soekobagiono, Sherman Salim, Hanoem Eka Hidayati, and Karina Mundiratri………………….. 86–90
9. Acid fast bacilli detected in the oral swab sample of a pulmonary tuberculosis patient
Reiska Kumala Bakti, Ni Made Mertaniasih, Diah Savitri Ernawati, Bagus Soebadi, and Priyo Hadi…………………………….. 91–94
10. Differences in photodynamic therapy exposure time and Staphylococcus aureus counts
Adeline Jovita Tambayong, Ira Widjiastuti, and Cecilia G.J. Lunardhi ………………………………. 95–98
11. Changes in the number of macrophage and lymphocyte cells in chronic periodontitis due to dental X-ray exposure
Alhidayati Asymal, Eha Renwi Astuti, and Rini Devijanti…………………………………………………… 99–103