
  1. Emerging role of dental professionals in collaboration with medical personnel in disaster relief following the 2016 Kumamoto earthquakes: implications for the expanding scope of dental practice ( T. Kato, H. Morita, T. Tsuzuki, M. Yamaguchi, H. Ohta, D. Tanoue & K. Nakakuki )
  2. Evidence on radiation dose reduction using rectangular collimation: a systematic review ( A. Shetty, F. T. Almeida, S. Ganatra, A. Senior & C. Pacheco-Pereira )
  3. Effect of specially designed oral health preventive programme on oral health of visually impaired children: use of audio and tactile aids ( D. Sardana, A. Goyal, K. Gauba, A. Kapur & S. Manchanda )
  4. Smoking cessation and associated dental factors in a cohort of smokers born in 1942: 5 year follow up ( S. Ordell & G. Ekbäck  )
  5. An epidemiological study of dental caries and associated factors among children residing in orphanages in Kerala, India: Health in Orphanages Project ( HOP e) ( B. Christian, R. Ummer-Christian, A. Blinkhorn, V. Hegde, K. Nandakumar, R. Marino & A. Chattopadhyay )
  6. Oral clinical status and oral health-related quality of life: is socioeconomic position a mediator or a moderator? ( S. Mohamed & M. V. Vettore )
  7. Variations in the provision and cost of oral healthcare in 11 European countries: a case study ( K. A. Eaton, M. Ramsdale, H. Leggett, J. Csikar, K. Vinall, H. Whelton & G. Douglas )
  8. Association between sense of coherence and untreated dental caries in preschoolers: a cross-sectional study ( É. T. B. Neves, M. F. Perazzo, M. C. Gomes, I. L. A. Ribeiro, S. M. Paiva & A. F. Granville-Garcia )
  9. Distribution of dentists in the Greater Tokyo Area, Japan ( T. Hashimura, T. Tanimoto, T. Morita & M. Kami )
  10. Home-care aides’ self-perception of oral health-care provision competency for community-dwelling older people ( Y.-M. Cheng, C.-C. Ping, C.-S. Ho, S.-J. Lan & Y.-P. Hsieh )