- Effect of Self-Regulated Learning for Improving Dietary Management and Quality of Life in Patients with Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus at Dr. Ramelan Naval Hospital, Surabaya, Indonesia
- Users’ Perception of the Hospital Information System in a Maternity Hospital in Lampung, Indonesia
- Maternal Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices about Traditional Food Feeding with Stunting and Wasting of Toddlers in Farmer Families
- Sexual Dysfunction among Women with Diabetes in a Primary Health Care at Semarang, Central Java Province, Indonesia
- Midwife’s Role in the Mother-to-Child Transmission Prevention Program in Primary Health Care in Yogyakarta
- Overweight and Obesity Status with Dental Caries among Children Aged 7–12 Years Old in Badung District, Bali 2018
- Knowledge, Attitude, Practices, and Health Beliefs of Pregnant Women about Urinary Tract Infection and Its Associated Risk Factors: A Local Filipino Community Experience
- Personal Exposure of Traffic Policeman to Particulate Matter in Jakarta: Distribution of Size, Chemical Composition, and Work Time