1. Effect of Self-Regulated Learning for Improving Dietary Management and Quality of Life in Patients with Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus at Dr. Ramelan Naval Hospital, Surabaya, Indonesia
  2. Users’ Perception of the Hospital Information System in a Maternity Hospital in Lampung, Indonesia
  3. Maternal Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices about Traditional Food Feeding with Stunting and Wasting of Toddlers in Farmer Families
  4. Sexual Dysfunction among Women with Diabetes in a Primary Health Care at Semarang, Central Java Province, Indonesia
  5. Midwife’s Role in the Mother-to-Child Transmission Prevention Program in Primary Health Care in Yogyakarta
  6. Overweight and Obesity Status with Dental Caries among Children Aged 7–12 Years Old in Badung District, Bali 2018
  7. Knowledge, Attitude, Practices, and Health Beliefs of Pregnant Women about Urinary Tract Infection and Its Associated Risk Factors: A Local Filipino Community Experience
  8. Personal Exposure of Traffic Policeman to Particulate Matter in Jakarta: Distribution of Size, Chemical Composition, and Work Time