1. Scoping review on the concept of patient motivation and practical tools to assess it
  2. Occupational burnout in pre-hospital emergency personnel in Iran: A systematic review and meta-analysis
  3. Experiences of family caregivers of patients with borderline personality disorder of social stigma
  4. The process of managing the children with type 1 diabetes in the family: A grounded theory study
  5. The effect of nursing interventions based on burns wean assessment program on successful weaning from mechanical ventilation: A randomized controlled clinical trial
  6. The impact of Kobasa and Maddi hardiness model on stress and hardiness of Iranian pediatric nurses: A clinical trial study
  7. The effects of a psychosocial support program on perceived stress of family caregivers of patients with mental disorders
  8. Cold therapy and respiratory relaxation exercise on pain and anxiety related to chest tube removal: A clinical trial
  9. Caregiving strategies in families of children with congenital heart disease: A qualitative study
  10. Comparing the effectiveness of sexual counseling based on PLISSITand BETTER models on sexual selfdisclosure in women with sexual problems after childbirth: A randomized trial
  11. Struggle turning back to professional nursing practice in Iran: A qualitative study
  12. The effect of peer education on management of chemotherapy side effects in patients with cancer
  13. Time of delivery in women with coronavirus disease
  14. 2020: The heroes with the Lamp and Corona–Virus pandemi
  15. Erratum: The effects of exercise training on physical performance and self-efficacy in hemodialysis patients: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial