1. Compliance of published randomized controlled trials on the effect of physical activity on primary dysmenorrhea with the consortium’s integrated report on clinical trials statement: A critical appraisal of the literature
  2. A systematic review and meta-analysis of the effect of acupressure on relieving the labor pain
  3. Factors affecting women’s adjustment to postpartum changes: A narrative review
  4. Factors affecting the acceptance of mobile health by medical sciences students: A cross-sectional study
  5. Effect of family and patient centered empowerment program on depression, anxiety and stress in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder and their caregivers’ burden
  6. Factorial structure and construct validity of an iranian version of the fear of compassion scale: A study in nurses
  7. The impact of open versus closed catheter access system of central venous catheter on infection prevention in critically ill patients: A comparative evaluation
  8. The challenges and achievements in the implementation of the natural childbirth instruction program: A qualitative study
  9. The effect of cognitive behavioural group therapy on the workplace and decisional procrastination of midwives: A randomized controlled trial
  10. The effects of exercise training on physical performance and self-efficacy in hemodialysis patients: A randomized controlled clinical trial
  11. The effect of blended learning on the rate of medication administration errors of nurses in medical wards
  12. The association between moral distress and moral courage in nurses: A cross-sectional study in Iran
  13. The role of the coronavirus pandemic on social attitudes towards the human aspects of the nursing profession