1. Family intensive care unit syndrome: An integrative review
  2. Knowledge and practices of intensive care unit nurses related to prevention of ventilator associated pneumonia in selected intensive care units of a tertiary care centre, India
  3. Professional responsibility and its related factors among bachelor degree nursing students in Iran: A cross-sectional study
  4. Overcrowding management and patient safety: An application of the stabilization model
  5. The effect of type of delivery on the nitric oxide metabolites and endothelial dysfunction in pregnant women
  6. Information seeking experiences of family caregivers of patients with persistent vegetative state: A qualitative study
  7. The effect of combined inhalation aromatherapy with lemon and peppermint on nausea and vomiting of pregnancy: A double-blind, randomized clinical trial
  8. The effect of sensory stimulation on quality of life of the elderly and their self-efficacy for coping with the fear of falling
  9. Near-death experience among Iranian muslim cardiopulmonary resuscitation survivors
  10. The viewpoint of Iranian gynecologists and midwives on the expectations of pregnant women: A content analysis study
  11. Effects of open and closed tracheal suctioning on pain in mechanically ventilated patients
  12. Psychometric properties and factor structure of the persian version of revised prenatal distress questionnaire in second and third trimesters
  13. Challenges and strategies of needs assessment implementing in diabetes self-management education in Iran: A qualitative study
  14. Cesarean section or normal vaginal delivery? The importance of the training programs for mothers and community