Brief contents

Preface xiii
Acknowledgements xiv
1 An introduction to research methods 1
2 Quantitative methodologies and research designs 21
3 Qualitative research methodologies and methods 47
4 Reading the literature and generating research ideas 67
5 Setting up your study: Methods in data collection 99
6 Qualitative analysis: A step-by-step guide 133
7 Blending qualitative and quantitative methods:
Action research 155
8 Quantitative analysis: Using descriptive statistics 175
9 Interpreting inferential statistics in quantitative research 201
10 Critical appraisal of quantitative and qualitative research 239
11 Presenting your work to others 261
12 Advanced thinking in research methods and practice:
From novice to expert nurse researcher 297
13 Going forward: A step-by-step guide from research idea
to ethics application 323
Answers to self-assessment exercises 355
Glossary 359
References 365
Index 373