The impact of the molecular genetic test on the diagnosis delay and outcome in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis ; Alina Malic
Complex treatment of children with distal malocclusions and osteopathy problems ; Cristina Postaru, Victoria Malkina, Natalia Pankratova, Mihail Postnikov
Tuberculosis evolution and treatment outcome in drug addicted patients ; Evelina Lesnic, Eugen Cotelea
Obliteration and reconstruction of the mastoid cavity with auto osteomatrix forte autograft ; Sergiu Vetricean
Limited internal fixation in the distal metaepiphyseal shin fractures ; Оlexandr Koval, Volodimir Vasyuk
New approach to heart rate variability analysis based on cardiophysiological biomarkers ; Ludmila Sidorenko, Ivan Diaz-Ramirez, Victor Vovc, Gert Baumann
A modern approach to interleukin-6 ; Tatiana Timercan
The role of scientific research in the field of medicines and the development of the pharmaceutical industry ; Victor Ghicavii, Ecaterina Stratu, Ianos Coretchi
The reevaluation of the role of duodenal dysmotility in the etiopathogenesis of vesicular cholelithiasis ; Viorel Moraru, Petru Bujor, Galina Pavliuc, Sergiu Bujor
Coronary revascularization in patients with ischemic left ventricular dysfunction ; Оlga Yepanchintseva, Natalia Ivanyuk, Yulia Borkhalenko, Оleg Zharinov, Borys Тоdurov