Lesnic Evelina, Malic Alina, Kulcitkaia Stela, Niguleanu Radu, Jucov Artiom, Gutu-Grecu Mariana, Cula Eugenia, Tolmaciov Mihai : The predictors of pulmonary tuberculosis in Xpert MBT/Rif positive and resistant assay patients with diabetes mellitus.
Obreja Galina, Raevschi Elena, Penina Olga : Informing national salt reduction strategy.
Placinta Gheorghe : Monoinvasion with toxocara canis in children.
Boscaneanu Natalia : The oxidative stress in preeclampsia.
Ergeshov Atadjan, Punga Victor, Rusakova Larisa, Yakimova Marina, Izmailova Tamara : Challenging issues of tuberculosis control in the Russian Federation.
Bazeliuc Iurii, Gugava Vahtang, Bour Alin : Acute appendicitis.
Placinta Cheorghe, Pantea Victor, Cebotarescu Valentin, Cojuhari Lilia, Paveliuc Petru, Musteata Tatiana, Panasiuc Alexandru, Lungu Victoria, Simonov Ludmila : Cutaneous leishmaniasis.
Cojocari Lucia, Sandul Alexandru : Fungal rhinosinusitis: pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment.
Sciuca Svetlana, Antonovici Natalia, Dolganiuc Angela : Modern approach to pediatric asthma
Martynchuk Аlexandr, Popovich Sergei: Osteoarthrosis: possibilities of complex use of the medication Zeel T within the framework of bioregulatory approach .