1. The role of ergonomic saddle seats and magnification loupes in the prevention of musculoskeletal disorders. A systematic review
2.The association between periodontal disease severity and metabolic syndrome in Vietnamese patients
3.Root surface alterations following manual and mechanical scaling_ A comparative study
4.Risk indicators for prevalence, extent and severity of periodontitis among rural Indian population aged 35‐54 years
5.Potential risk factors for dental caries in Type 2 diabetic patients
6.Mucosal microflora in head and neck cancer patients
7.Independent determinants of periodontitis in Yemeni adults_ A case‐control study
8.Explorative study on mucosal and major salivary secretion rates, caries and plaque microflora in head and neck cancer patients
9.Evaluation of substantivity of hypochlorous acid as an antiplaque agent_ A randomized controlled trial
10. Effects of different periodontal treatments in changing the prevalence and levels
11. Effect of a single‐tufted toothbrush on the control of dental biofilm in orthodontic patients_ A randomized clinical trial
12. Dry brushing_ Does it improve plaque removal_ A secondary analysis
13. Clinical efficacy of a chlorhexidine‐based mouthrinse containing hyaluronic
14. Childhood oral health issues, are you aware_
15. Chemical effects of chewing sticks made of Salvadora persica
16. Adult periodontitis treated with a new device for subgingival