The fourth edition of the Manual of Allergy and Immunology is designed to serve health care professionals in the diagnosis and management of allergic and other
immunological disorders. Our goals have been to present the basic and essential material clearly and to provide specific information to assist in clinical decision-making
and treatment planning.
We selected contributors to this edition for their specific expertise. Only currently accepted therapeutic regimens and dosages are recommended; all material that is
considered investigative is so identified. We have attempted to minimize didactic material; what is included has been carefully edited to allow a basic understanding of
each subject. More extensive discussions of each subject are referenced in each chapter under Selected Readings. In addition, useful addresses on the World Wide
Web have been referenced when such sites are available.
Our overall goal is to have the Manual contain the basic information, collected in a single source, that is required for the practice of allergy and clinical immunology. The
specialist will find this manual a convenient reference handbook, while the generalist will be able to use the Manual as a helpful guide in formulating a diagnostic and
therapeutic approach to patients suspected of having an allergic or immunologic disorder, or in choosing immunologic diagnostic studies generally available for the
evaluation of patients with such conditions as infectious diseases, hematologic disorders, or rheumatic disease. We hope that students, house officers, and other health
care professionals will find the Manual a useful guide to the clinical practice of allergy and immunology.
Our heartfelt thanks to all of our contributors, for unselfishly giving their time and considerable effort preparing their respective chapters. We also thank Lippincott
Williams & Wilkins for giving us the opportunity to publish the Manual; and our editors, Jonathan Pine and Selina Bush, for patiently giving encouragement and editorial
assistance throughout the preparation of this edition.

Daniel C. Adelman
Thomas B. Casale
Jonathan Corren