Preface ix
How to Use This Book xiii
Acknowledgments xvii

Abdominal Pain (Adult) 1
Abdominal Pain (Child) 5
Allergic Symptoms 9
Anus Problems 11
Back Pain 13
Bed Wetting (Child) 17
Blackouts 19
Bloating 21
Blood in Stool 23
Breast Problems 26
Breathing Problems (Adult) 29
Breathing Problems (Child) 33
Bruising and Bleeding Tendencies 36
Burns 38
Chest Pain 40
Confusion 45
Constipation (Adult) 47

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For more information about this title, click here.

Constipation (Child) 49
Convulsions (Seizures) 51
Cough 54
Cuts and Scrapes 58
Depression, Suicidal Thoughts, or Anxiety 59
Diaper Problems 61
Diarrhea 63
Difficulty Swallowing 68
Dizziness 71
Ear Problems 74
Excessive Drinking (Water) 77
Eye Problems 80
Facial Pain 86
Fever 88
Foot or Ankle Pain 92
Frostbite 95
Gait-Coordination Problems 96
Groin Pain 99
Hair Problems 101
Hand, Wrist, or Arm Problems 103
Head Injury 107
Headache 109
Heart Pounding 113
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Heartburn 115
Heat Stroke 117
Heavy Drinking (Alcohol) 119
Hiccough 121
Hoarseness 123
Injury (including Back Injury/Pain) 125
Irritability (Child) 131
Joint Pain 133
Loss of Consciousness 139
Menstrual Cramps 143
Mental Delays (Child) 145
Mouth Trouble 147
Muscle Weakness 151
Nail Problems 154
Nausea and Vomiting (Adult) 157
Nausea and Vomiting (Child) 161
Neck Problems 164
Numbness, Loss of Movement, or Trouble Talking 166
Overdose or Poisoning 169
Overeating 171
Poor Appetite 173
Pregnancy 175
Sexual Problems and Inability to Conceive 177
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Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) 180
Shakiness 182
Skin Problems 185
Sleep Problems 189
Small Baby 191
Swelling 193
Testicle Problems 196
Urine Problems 199
Vaginal Bleeding Problems 202
Vaginal Discharge 204
Weakness 206
Yellow Skin 208

Glossary 211
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When Something Feels Wrong

Symptoms are what you feel when your body’s machinery isn’t work-
ing perfectly. About twenty symptoms account for most of the reasons

people go to health professionals. People visit a health professional

when the symptoms limit daily activities. They also visit health pro-
fessionals to learn whether their symptoms indicate an increased risk

for serious problems.

The most common group of symptoms is caused when a “bug” (bac-
teria or virus) has invaded the body. The typical symptoms of a “bug”

are cough, fever, chills, runny nose, sneezing, sore throat, earache,

nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. When caused by a “bug,” these symp-
toms usually resolve within three weeks.

Symptoms caused by bacteria or viruses are particularly common in
young children because the child’s body is just learning how to fight

the most common “bugs.” We call this building up immunity. Immu-
nizations are given to young children to help speed up this process

and eliminate the problems caused when these bugs are able to
invade the body. It’s important to note that in children and adults,
symptoms caused by viruses will not be helped by antibiotics.
The next most common symptoms are those related to “wear and

tear” on the body. Low back, knee, leg, foot, hand, neck, and shoul-
der pains are most often caused by “wear and tear.” These symptoms

persist for weeks, months, or a lifetime.
After these two groupings, there a number of common symptoms
with several or less obvious causes: headaches, abdominal (belly)
pains, shortness of breath (difficulty breathing), chest pains, red or
itching skin, emotional problems, dizziness, tiredness, and fatigue.
These symptoms tend to occur again and again.
When Symptoms Limit Daily Activities
The more numerous, severe, and persistent our symptoms, the more
they limit our ability to perform daily activities. Among adults,