In the introduction to the first edition of Burket’s Oral Medicine published in 1946, Dr. Appleton, Dean of the School of Dentistry at the University of Pennsylvania, wrote “The practitioner of medicine, physician and internist, would do well to read at least the Table of Contents. If he does that,
I believe he’ll delve deeper. It should convince him that the mouth contains much more than the doubly unruly tongue. There are many situations and ways in which he can help the neighboring dentist, and the dentist can in turn help him. Both physician and dentist will benefit, but the patient would
benefit most.” Although our knowledge of oral medicine has dramatically increased in the past 70 years, this new 12th edition could have been introduced in a similar fashion. Oral medicine is at the forefront of interprofessional education and practice, and the 12th edition of Burket’s Oral Medicine will be a resource to all health professionals. In order to reflect changes in the reach of the discipline of oral medicine, the 12th edition of this seminal text includes five new chapters: Research Design and Evaluation, Oral Complications of Cancer Therapy, Geriatric Oral Medicine

Pediatric Oral Medicine, and Radiologic Interpretations, and 28 new contributors. Together, the more than 70 contributors of the chapters included in the 12th edition represent seven countries and present a text truly international in scope. Due to the complexity of the “art and science” of the
field of oral medicine, there will be inconsistencies among the chapters in cases in which lack of evidence for specific protocols results in reliance on clinical judgment. Such discrepancies add rather than detract from our knowledge base and, when found, were left as is. The 12th edition of this definitive text on oral medicine delivers indispensable content to students, residents, and clinicians from many different health disciplines seeking to advance their knowledge in this exciting field of healthcare delivery. The text offers support with necessary diagnostic skills, basic research, and clinical advice needed to treat medically complex dental patients, as well as a myriad of oral complications