Preface iii
Acknowledgements iv
How to use the BNF ix
Changes for this edition xi
Significant changes xi
Dose changes xi
Classification changes xii
Discontinued preparations xii
New preparations included in this edition xii
Late additions xii
Name changes xiii
Guidance on prescribing 1
General guidance 1
Prescription writing 4
Emergency supply of medicines 6
Controlled Drugs and drug dependence 7
Adverse reactions to drugs 11
Prescribing for children 13
For detailed advice on medicines used for children
consult BNF for Children
Prescribing in palliative care 15
Prescribing for the elderly 19
Prescribing in dental practice 21
Drugs and sport 26
Emergency treatment of poisoning 27
Notes on drugs and Preparations
1: Gastro-intestinal system 37
2: Cardiovascular system 71
3: Respiratory system 148
4: Central nervous system 183
5: Infections 283
6: Endocrine system 367
7: Obstetrics, gynaecology, and
urinary-tract disorders 429

8: Malignant disease and immunosup-
pression 459

9: Nutrition and blood 504
10: Musculoskeletal and joint diseases 551
11: Eye 582
12: Ear, nose, and oropharynx 600
13: Skin 615

14: Immunological products and vac-
cines 660

15: Anaesthesia 686
Appendixes and indices
Appendix 1: Interactions 708
Appendix 2: Liver disease 790
Appendix 3: Renal impairment 801
Appendix 4: Pregnancy 817
Appendix 5: Breast-feeding 838
Appendix 6: Intravenous additives 853
Appendix 7: Borderline substances 865
Appendix 8: Wound management products
and elastic hosiery 883
Appendix 9: Cautionary and advisory labels
for dispensed medicines 902
Dental Practitioners’ Formulary 917
Nurse Prescribers’ Formulary