Dengue fever (DF) and Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF)/Dengue Shock Syndrome (DSS) continue to
be significant causes of morbidity and mortality in the Philippines. Dengue is considered to be endemic in
the Philippines with clustering of cases and outbreaks occurring at unpredictable intervals due to inability
to control and prevent this arthropod-borne disease.
In 2008, the first Evidence-based Guidelines on Dengue Fever and Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever1
released. This accomplishment was made possible through the initiative of the previous leadership of the
Philippine Pediatric Society, starting from Dr. Estrella Paje-Villar who convened the Technical Working

Group to draft the evidence-based guidelines, continuing under the guidance of Dr. Jocelyn Yambao-
Franco, and finally realizing completion during the term of Dr. Victor Doctor. The guidelines were

developed and written by a group of dedicated and hard working individuals who comprised the Technical
Working Group, chaired by Dr. Jaime Santos and guided by Dr. Jacinto Blas Mantaring III and Dr.
Leonila Dans as chairpersons of the Committee on Clinical Practice Guidelines. The invaluable
contributions of the Expert Panel, Editors, UMED and many others who helped in one way or another in
the preparation of the document are also recognized.