Preface, vii
1 The Application of Science to Clinical Practice, 1
2 The Endocrine Problems of Infancy, 14
3 Problems of Growth in Childhood, 33
4 Problems of Puberty and Adolescence, 59
5 The Thyroid Gland, 84
6 The Adrenal Gland, 99
7 Disorders of Calcium and Bone Metabolism, 123
8 Water Balance, 146
9 Polyglandular Syndromes, 164
10 Hypoglycemia, 172
11 Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, 179
12 Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus, 189
13 Tests and Normal Values in Pediatric Endocrinology, 214
Appendix 1: Syndrome-Specifi c Growth Charts, 238
Appendix 2: Normal Values, 250
Index, 257