- An intervention study to assess potential effect and user experience of an mHealth intervention to reduce sedentary behaviour among older office workers
- Availability and usage of clinical decision support systems (CDSSs) in office-based primary care settings in the USA
- Characteristics of patients with body mass index recorded within the Kent Integrated Dataset (KID)
- Clinician preferences for computerised clinical decision support for medications in primary care: a focus group study
- Coding and classifying GP data: the POLAR project
- Conformity of Diabetes Mobile apps with the Chronic Care Model
- Design and implementation of the stacked, synchronised and iconographic timeline-structured electronic patient record in a UK NHS Global Digital Exemplar hospital
- Design and virtual implementation of a biomedical registry framework for the enhancement of clinical trials: colorectal cancer example
- Developing a telerehabilitation programme for postoperative recovery from knee surgery: specifications and requirements
- Developing and sustaining digital professionalism: a model for assessing readiness of healthcare environments and capability of nurses
- Dietitians can improve accuracy of prescribing by interacting with electronic prescribing systems
- Digital innovation evaluation: user perceptions of innovation readiness, digital confidence, innovation adoption, user experience and behaviour change
- e-Therapies in England for stress, anxiety or depression: how are apps developed? A survey of NHS e-therapy developers
- Effectiveness of the eCARE programme: a short message service for asthma monitoring
- Evaluating a post-implementation electronic medical record training intervention for diabetes management in primary care
- Evaluating the quality of voice assistants’ responses to consumer health questions about vaccines: an exploratory comparison of Alexa, Google Assistant and Siri
- Growth of health literacy research activity in three Middle Eastern countries
- Improved efficiency and patient safety through bespoke electronic thalassaemia care module
- Interventions to improve the use of EMRs in primary health care: a systematic review and meta-analysis
- LAGOS: learning health systems and how they can integrate with patient care
- Large retrospective analysis on frailty assessment in primary care: electronic Frailty Index versus frailty coding
- Lessons learned from a comprehensive electronic patient record procurement process—implications for healthcare organisations
- Measuring the outcomes of using person-generated health data: a case study of developing a PROM item bank
- NHS Scotland’s Decision Support Platform: a formative qualitative evaluation
- Nurses’ perceptions of the clinical information system in primary healthcare centres in Qatar: a cross- sectional survey
- Ontology to identify pregnant women in electronic health records: primary care sentinel network database study
- Potential impact of data source and interoperability messaging on health information technology (HIT) users: a study series from the United States Department of Veterans Affairs
- Patient and carer survey of remote vital sign telemonitoring for self- management of long-term conditions
- Patient perceptions and interactions with their web portal-based laboratory results
- Phishing in healthcare organisations: threats, mitigation and approaches
- Physician leadership and health information exchange: literature review
- Reliability of comorbidity scores derived from administrative data in the tertiary hospital intensive care setting: a cross-sectional study
- Small interface changes have dramatic impacts: how mandatory fields in electronic medical records increased pertussis vaccination rates in Australian obstetric patients
- Trend of intestinal infectious diseases recorded at a tertiary care hospital in India: an ICD-10 analysis
- Two algorithms for the reorganisation of the problem list by organ system
- Using normalisation process theory to understand workflow implications of decision support implementation across diverse primary care settings
- Web and mobile-based technologies for monitoring high-risk pregnancies