1. The Urgency of Law Enforcement of Illegal Medicine Distributions in Indonesia

  2. The Association between Motivation and Sanction on Hand Hygiene Compliance among Nurses at Dr. Pirngadi Hospital, Medan, North Sumatera
  3. Recognizing Acupuncture Therapist and Services
  4. Problems in Legalizing Abortion as a Legal Protection for Rape Victims
  5. Juridical Review of Presumed Consent as the Right of Patients in Emergency Conditions
  6. Evaluation on Health Policy Implementation for Decreasing Maternal Mortality Rate through Prenatal Class Program in East Ogan Komering Ulu, South Sumatera
  7. Communication Barrier between Nurse and Patient at The Hospital: A Systematic Review
  8. Association between Socialization and the Use of Maternity Waiting Home in East Aceh, Indonesia