- An awareness-raising framework for global health networks: lessons learned from a qualitative case study in respectful maternity care
- Correlates of reported modern contraceptive use among postpartum HIV-positive women in rural Nigeria: an analysis from the MoMent prospective cohort study
- Exploring family, community and healthcare provider perceptions and acceptability for minimal invasive tissue sampling to identify the cause of death in under-five deaths and stillbirths in North India: a qualitative study protocol
- Determinants of reproductive health services utilization among rural female adolescents in Asgede-Tsimbla district Northern Ethiopia: a community based cross-sectional study
- Evaluation of the maternal deaths surveillance and response system at the health district level in Guinea in 2017 through digital communication tools
- Sexuality, fertility and family planning characteristics of married women aged 15 to 19 years in Ethiopia, Nigeria and Tanzania: a comparative analysis of cross-sectional data
- An investigation into mistreatment of women during labour and childbirth in maternity care facilities in Uttar Pradesh, India: a mixed methods study
- “Our girls need to see a path to the future” –perspectives on sexual and reproductive health information among adolescent girls, guardians, and initiation counselors in Mulanje district, Malawi
- Care plans for women pregnant using assisted reproductive technologies: a systematic review
- Attitudes and practices related to intrauterine devices for nulliparous women among Chinese health care providers
- Designing an educational intervention on second-hand smoke in smoker men on the exposure of pregnant wives: a protocol for a randomized controlled trial
- Developing management pathways for hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (HDP) in Indonesian primary care: a study protocol
- Proximate determinants of fertility in Ethiopia; an application of revised Bongaarts model
- Compliance with iron folic acid and associated factors among pregnant women through pill count in Hawassa city, South Ethiopia: a community based cross-sectional study
- Women’s perspectives on health facility and system levels factors influencing mode of delivery in Tehran: a qualitative study
- Determinants and causes of maternal mortality in Iran based on ICD-MM: a systematic review
- Engaging men in an mHealth approach to support postpartum family planning among couples in Kenya: a qualitative study
- ‘Birds of the same feathers fly together’: midwives’ experiences with pregnant women and FGM/C complications – a grounded theory study in Liberia
- Referral patterns through the lens of health facility readiness to manage obstetric complications: national facility-based results from Ghana
- “Confidence comes with frequent practice”: health professionals’ perceptions of using manual vacuum aspiration after a training program
- Contraception in adolescence: the influence of parity and marital status on contraceptive use in 73 low-and middle-income countries
- Intimate partner violence during pregnancy and adverse birth outcomes: a case-control study
- Reproductive and sexual Health of surrogate mothers, developing a care program: a protocol for mixed methods study
- Obstetric emergency simulation training course: experience of a private-public partnership in Brazil
- Depression among pregnant women and associated factors in Hawassa city, Ethiopia: an institution-based cross-sectional study
- Contraceptive use intentions and unmet need for family planning among reproductive-aged women in the Upper East Region of Ghana
- Syphilis and human immunodeficiency virus infections among pregnant women attending antenatal care clinic of Gondar family guidance association, Northwest Ethiopia: implication for prevention of mother to child transmission
- Antenatal predictors of incident and persistent postnatal depressive symptoms in rural Ethiopia: a population-based prospective study
- A grounded theory of regaining normalcy and reintegration of women with obstetric fistula in Kenya
- Correction to: the revised international technical guidance on sexuality education -a powerful tool at an important crossroads for sexuality education
- Designing an educational intervention to prevent excessive gestational weight gain: a protocol for a randomized controlled trial
- A comprehensive home-care program for health promotion of mothers with preeclampsia: protocol for a mixed method study
- Husbands’ involvement in family planning use and its associated factors in pastoralist communities of Afar, Ethiopia
- Factors associated with anemia among women of the reproductive age group in Thatta district: study protocol
- A cross-sectional mixed-methods study of sexual and reproductive health knowledge, experiences and access to services among refugee adolescent girls in the Nakivale refugee settlement, Uganda
- Pregnancies, abortions, and pregnancy intentions: a protocol for modeling and reporting global, regional and country estimates
- The prevalence and predictors of domestic violence among pregnant women in Southeast Oromia, Ethiopia
- Can community health workers increase modern contraceptive use among young married women? A cross-sectional study in rural Niger
- Birth preparedness and complication readiness practice and influencing factors among women in Sodo town, Wolaita zone, Southern Ethiopia, 2018; community based cross-sectional study
- Maternal overweight and obesity and the risk of caesarean birth in Malawi
- The range and nature of reproductive health research in the occupied Palestinian territory: a scoping review
- Effect of attachment-based interventions on prenatal attachment: a protocol for systematic review
- A gestational vulnerability window for smoking exposure and the increased risk of preterm birth: how timing and intensity of maternal smoking matter
- Novel approaches to estimating abortion incidence
- Adolescent pregnant women’s health practices and their impact on maternal, fetal and neonatal outcomes: a mixed method study protocol
- Views and preferences of medical professionals and pregnant women about a novel primary prevention intervention for hypertensive disorders of pregnancy: a qualitative study
- Health state utilities for infertility and subfertility
- Reported oral and anal sex among adolescents and adults reporting heterosexual sex in sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic review
- Extent of induced abortions and occurrence of complications in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo
- Health workers’ experiences with the Safe Delivery App in West Wollega Zone, Ethiopia: a qualitative study
- Miscarriage hospitalisations: a national population-based study of incidence and outcomes, 2005–2016
- Factors influencing men’s involvement in antenatal care services: a cross-sectional study in a low resource setting, Central Tanzania
- Perceptions of parents and religious leaders regarding minimal invasive tissue sampling to identify the cause of death in stillbirths and neonates: results from a qualitative study
- Retraction Note: Improving usability and pregnancy rates of a fertility monitor by an additional mobile application: results of a retrospective efficacy study of Daysy and DaysyView app
- Prevalence and correlates of postabortion long-acting reversible contraceptive (LARC) use among young women (24 and below) in Nepal: Strategy in the search for improvements
- Effective integration of sexual reproductive health and HIV prevention, treatment, and care services across sub-Saharan Africa: where is the evidence for program implementation?
- Prioritizing the sexual and reproductive health and rights of adolescent girls and young women within HIV treatment and care services in emergency settings: a girl-centered agenda
- Quality of family planning services in HIV integrated and non-integrated health facilities in Malawi and Tanzania
- Developing integrated community-based HIV prevention, harm reduction, and sexual and reproductive health services for women who inject drugs
- Availability of integrated family planning services in HIV care and support sites in sub-Saharan Africa: a secondary analysis of national health facility surveys
- Integration of HIV testing services into family planning services: a systematic review
- Strengthening integration of family planning with HIV/AIDS and other services: experience from three Kenyan cities
- Antenatal care presentation and engagement in the context of sex work: exploring barriers to care for sex worker mothers in South Africa
- Knowledge and correlates of use of safer conception methods among HIV-infected women attending HIV care in Uganda
- Clients’ experiences utilizing a safer conception service for HIV affected individuals: implications for differentiated care service delivery models
- Parenting perspective on the psychosocial correlates of adolescent sexual and reproductive health behavior among high school adolescents in Ethiopia
- Outcomes by birth setting and caregiver for low risk women in Indonesia: a systematic literature review
- Factorsassociated with induced abortion in Nepal : data from a nationally represntative population-based cross-sectional survey
- Integrating postpartum contraceptive counseling and IUD insertion services into maternity care in Nepal: results from stepped-wedge randomized controlled trial
- Maternal obstetric and socio-demographic determinants of low birth weight: a retrospective cross-sectional study in Ghana
- Women’s experiences of pharmacological and non-pharmacological pain relief methods for labour and childbirth: a qualitative systematic review
- Indications for increase in caesarean delivery
- Late initiation of antenatal care and associated factors among pregnant women in Addis Zemen primary hospital, South Gondar, Ethiopia
- The little tissue that couldn’t – dispelling myths about the Hymen’s role in determining sexual history and assault
- Community health worker promotions increase uptake of long-acting reversible contraception in Rwanda
- Magnitude and associated factors of repeat induced abortion among reproductive age group women who seeks abortion Care Services at Marie Stopes International Ethiopia Clinics in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
- The Giving Voice to Mothers study: inequity and mistreatment during pregnancy and childbirth in the United States
- Factors associated with use of injectables, long-acting and permanent contraceptive methods (iLAPMs) among married women in Zambia: analysis of demographic and health surveys, 1992–2014
- Recurrent child mortality risks and parity transition in Nigeria
- Detection of high-risk pregnancies in low-resource settings: a case study in Guatemala
- Study protocol: E-freeze – freezing of embryos in assisted conception: a randomised controlled trial evaluating the clinical and cost effectiveness of a policy of freezing embryos followed by thawed frozen embryo transfer compared with a policy of fresh embryo transfer, in women
undergoing in vitro fertilisation - Prevalence and predictors of maternal smoking prior to and during pregnancy in a regional Danish population: a cross-sectional study
- Clarifications concerning the commentary “Published analysis of contraceptive effectiveness of Daysy and DaysyView app is fatally flawed”
- Equity in maternal health outcomes in a middle-income urban setting: a cohort study
- Perceptions of pregnancy occurring among HIV-serodiscordant couples in Kenya
- Men’s perception of barriers to women’s use and access of skilled pregnancy care in rural Nigeria: a qualitative study
- Fecundity and human birth seasonality in Sweden: a register-based study
- A gender synchronized family planning intervention for married couples in rural India: study protocol for the CHARM2 cluster randomized controlled trial evaluation
- Male partner influence on family planning and contraceptive use: perspectives from community members and healthcare providers in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
- Before and after implementation of group antenatal care in Rwanda: a qualitative study of women’s experiences
- The microbiome seeding debate – let’s frame it around women-centred care
- Sexual and reproductive health communication intervention for caretakers of adolescents: a quasi-experimental study in Unguja- Zanzibar
- Are interventions focused on gender-norms effective in preventing domestic violence against women in low and lower-middle income countries? A systematic review and meta-analysis
- Spatial dimensions of telemedicine and abortion access: a qualitative study of women’s experiences
- Adherence to Swedish national pregnancy dating guidelines and management of discrepancies between pregnancy dating methods: a survey study
- Utilization of preconception care and associated factors among reproductive age group women in Debre Birhan town, North Shewa, Ethiopia
- Acceptability, feasibility and utility of a Mobile health family planning decision aid for postpartum women in Kenya
- “Provide care for everyone please”: engaging community leaders as sexual and reproductive health advocates in North and South Kivu, Democratic Republic of the Congo
- Socio-economic inequalities in ANC attendance among mothers who gave birth in the past 12 months in Debre Brehan town and surrounding rural areas, North East Ethiopia: a community-based survey
- Management and referral for high-risk conditions and complications during the antenatal period: knowledge, practice and attitude survey of providers in rural public healthcare in two states of India
- The social determinants of health facility delivery in Ghana
- Distribution and quality of emergency obstetric care service delivery in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: it is time to improve regulatory mechanisms
- Women with infertility complying with and resisting polygyny: an explorative qualitative study in urban Gambia
- The experience of men who participated in interventions to improve demand for and utilization of maternal and child health services in northern Nigeria: a qualitative comparative study
- Medical abortion in Nepal: a qualitative study on women’s experiences at safe abortion services and pharmacies
- Vitamin D and assisted reproductive treatment outcome: a prospective cohort study
- A family-oriented antenatal education program to improve birth preparedness and maternal-infant birth outcomes: A cross sectional evaluation study
- Assessment of adherence to therapy and exploring of barriers and facilitators in HIV positive patients in Tabriz-Iran: a mixed method study protocol
- “It is a thing that depends on God”: barriers to delaying first birth and pursuing alternative futures among newly married adolescent girls in Niger
- Individual differences in relative fertility costs and fertility benefits and their effects on fertility desire for a second child in China: a latent profile analysis
- Hospital detention of mothers and their infants at a large provincial hospital: a mixed-methods descriptive case study, Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of the Congo
- Giving birth in Switzerland: a qualitative study exploring migrant women’s experiences during pregnancy and childbirth in Geneva and Zurich using focus groups
- Preventing female genital mutilation in high income countries: a systematic review of the evidence
- Reproductive health communication between mother and adolescent daughter in Bangladesh: a cross-sectional study
- Determinants of risky sexual practice, drug abuse and alcohol consumption in adolescents in Iran: a systematic literature review
- Midwives’ perspectives on (dis)respectful intrapartum care during facility-based delivery in sub-Saharan Africa: a qualitative systematic review and meta-synthesis
- Abortion experience and self-efficacy: exploring socioeconomic profiles of GHANAIAN women
- Prevalence, sociodemographic determinants and self-reported reasons for hysterectomy in India
- Expert perspectives on essential parameters to monitor during childbirth in low resource settings: a Delphi study in sub-Saharan Africa
- Determinants of use of mobile phones for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) education and prevention among adolescents and young adult population in Ghana: implications of public health policy and interventions design
- Factors associated with institutional delivery practice among women in pastoral community of Dubti district, Afar region, Northeast Ethiopia: a community-based cross-sectional study
- Integrating community health assistant-driven sexual and reproductive health services in the community health system in Nyimba district in Zambia: mapping key actors, points of integration, and conditions shaping the process
- Prevalence and determinants of menstrual regulation among ever-married women in Bangladesh: evidence from a national survey
- Assessing the impact of an educational intervention program on sexual abstinence based on the health belief model amongst adolescent girls in Northern Ghana, a cluster randomised control trial
- The family planning quotient and reproductive life index (FPQ/RepLI) tool: a solution for family planning, reproductive life planning and contraception counseling
- Discrepancy in perception of infertility and attitude towards treatment options: Indonesian urban and rural area
- Sexuality and contraceptive knowledge in university students: instrument development and psychometric analysis using item response theory
- Challenges to access health information during pregnancy in Iran: a qualitative study from the perspective of pregnant women, midwives and obstetricians
- Fertility and family planning in Uttar Pradesh, India: major progress and persistent gaps
- Mistreatment of women in public health facilities of Ethiopia
- Contraceptive discontinuation: frequency and associated factors among undergraduate women in Brazil
- Pilot randomized trial of short-term changes in inflammation and lipid levels during and after aspirin and pravastatin therapy
- Prevalence of unwanted pregnancy in Iranian women: a systematic review and meta-analysis
- Protocol for a prospective mixed-methods longitudinal study to evaluate the dynamics of contraceptive use, discontinuation, and switching in Kenya
- A qualitative assessment of perspectives on getting pregnant: the Social Position and Family Formation study
- Stigma related to contraceptive use and abortion in Kenya: scale development and validation
- The reliability and validity of the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) and PHQ-2 in patients with infertility
- Perceptions and intervention preferences of Moroccan adolescents, parents, and teachers regarding risks and protective factors for risky sexual behaviors leading to sexually transmitted infections in adolescents: qualitative findings
- Childhood mortality, intra-household bargaining power and fertility preferences among women in Ghana
- Fertility, Migration and Acculturation (FEMINA): a research protocol for studying intersectional sexual and reproductive health inequalities
- Socio-cultural contextual factors that contribute to the uptake of a mobile health intervention to enhance maternal health care in rural Senegal
- Prevalence and patterns of cigarette smoking before and during early and late pregnancy according to maternal characteristics: the first national data based on the 2003 birth certificate revision, United States, 2016
- “That’s a woman’s problem”: a qualitative analysis to understand male involvement in maternal and newborn health in Jigawa state, northern Nigeria
- Adult and young women communication on sexuality: a pilot intervention in Maputo-Mozambique
- Contextual-relationship and stress-related factors of postpartum depression symptoms in nulliparas: a prospective study from Ljubljana, Slovenia
- Potential excess of vaginal examinations during the management of labor: frequency and associated factors in 13 Peruvian hospitals
- Improving the quality of maternal and newborn health outcomes through a clinical mentorship program in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: study protocol
- Reasons for nonuse of contraceptive methods by women with demand for contraception not satisfied: an assessment of low and middle-income countries using demographic and health surveys
- Validation of three mental health scales among pregnant women in Qatar
- The power of peers: an effectiveness evaluation of a cluster-controlled trial of group antenatal care in rural Nepal
- Associations between dietary micronutrient intake and molecular-Bacterial Vaginosis
- Healthcare system indicators associated with modern contraceptive use in Ghana, Kenya, and Nigeria: evidence from the Performance Monitoring and Accountability 2020 data
- Evaluating the effectiveness of a combined approach to improve utilization of adolescent sexual reproductive health services in Kenya: a quasi-experimental design study protocol
- A systematic review and meta-analysis of postpartum contraceptive use among women in low- and middle-income countries
- Factors influencing decision-making power regarding reproductive health and rights among married women in Mettu rural district, south-west, Ethiopia
- Correction to: Preference of specimen collection methods for human papillomavirus detection for cervical cancer screening: a cross-sectional study of high- risk women in Mombasa, Kenya
- Community-based maternal and child health project on 4+ antenatal care in the Democratic Republic of Congo: a difference-in-differences analysis
- Debating medicalization of Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C): learning from (policy) experiences across countries
- A multidimensional approach to inform family planning needs, preferences and behaviours amongst women in South Africa through body mapping
- Assessment of childbirth preparation classes: a parallel convergent mixed study
- Access to public transportation and health facilities offering long-acting reversible contraceptives among residents of formal and informal settlements in two cities in Kenya
- Magnitude and determinants for place of postnatal care utilization among mothers who delivered at home in Ethiopia: a multinomial analysis from the 2016 Ethiopian demographic health survey
- Prevalence of sexually transmitted infections and associated factors among the University of Gondar students, Northwest Ethiopia: a cross-sectional study
- A qualitative study of community elders’ perceptions about the underutilization of formal maternal care and maternal death in rural Nigeria
- Development of caesarean section prediction models: secondary analysis of a prospective cohort study in two sub-Saharan African countries
- Suicidal ideation and intentional self-harm in pregnancy as a neglected agenda in maternal health; an experience from rural Sri Lanka
- Predisposing, enabling and need factors associated with skilled delivery care utilization among reproductive-aged women in Kersa district, eastern Ethiopia
- Randomized controlled trial protocol to evaluate the effect of an educational intervention using information, motivation and behavioral skills model on sexual
satisfaction of new couples in Iran