- Promoting Health Care for Pregnant Women in Prison: A Review of
International Guidelines - Effect of Positive Psychology Interventions on the Quality of Prenatal
Care Offered by Midwives: A Field Trial - Attitudes and Practice of Health Care Workers about Human
Immunodeficiency Virus in Isfahan, Iran - Nurses’ Empathy in Different Wards: A Cross‑Sectional Study
- Effectiveness of Health‑Centered Life Skills Training on Health‑Related
Quality of Life in Mothers with Blind Children: A Randomized Controlled
Interventional Study - The Correlation between Psychological Empowerment and Job Burnout in
Midwives Working in the Labor Ward of Hospitals - Effect of Perineal Massage with Ostrich Oil on the Episiotomy and
Lacerations in Nulliparous Women: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial - Adherence to a Rehabilitation Regimen in Stroke Patients: A Concept
Analysis - Psychometric Properties of the Iranian version of Champion’s Revised
Health Belief Model Scale for Breast Cancer screening - Essential Care Needs for Patients’ Family Members at the Intensive Care
Units in Palestine - A Comparative Study of Perceived Social Support and Depression among
Elderly Members of Senior Day Centers, Elderly Residents in Nursing
Homes, and Elderly Living at Home - Designing and Psychometric Evaluation of Nurses’ Social Responsibility
Instrument: A Mixed‑Method Study - Effects of Pilates Exercises on Professional Self‑concept in Nurses
Working in Intensive Care Units and Emergency Departments