1. Promoting Health Care for Pregnant Women in Prison: A Review of
    International Guidelines
  2. Effect of Positive Psychology Interventions on the Quality of Prenatal
    Care Offered by Midwives: A Field Trial
  3. Attitudes and Practice of Health Care Workers about Human
    Immunodeficiency Virus in Isfahan, Iran
  4. Nurses’ Empathy in Different Wards: A Cross‑Sectional Study
  5. Effectiveness of Health‑Centered Life Skills Training on Health‑Related
    Quality of Life in Mothers with Blind Children: A Randomized Controlled
    Interventional Study
  6. The Correlation between Psychological Empowerment and Job Burnout in
    Midwives Working in the Labor Ward of Hospitals
  7. Effect of Perineal Massage with Ostrich Oil on the Episiotomy and
    Lacerations in Nulliparous Women: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial
  8. Adherence to a Rehabilitation Regimen in Stroke Patients: A Concept
  9. Psychometric Properties of the Iranian version of Champion’s Revised
    Health Belief Model Scale for Breast Cancer screening
  10. Essential Care Needs for Patients’ Family Members at the Intensive Care
    Units in Palestine
  11. A Comparative Study of Perceived Social Support and Depression among
    Elderly Members of Senior Day Centers, Elderly Residents in Nursing
    Homes, and Elderly Living at Home
  12. Designing and Psychometric Evaluation of Nurses’ Social Responsibility
    Instrument: A Mixed‑Method Study
  13. Effects of Pilates Exercises on Professional Self‑concept in Nurses
    Working in Intensive Care Units and Emergency Departments