- Freestanding Midwife‑Led Units: A Narrative Review
- The Effect of Foot Massage by Mother on the Severity of Attention‑Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder Symptoms in Children Aged 6–12 - Consequences of Presence of Forensic Nurses in Health Care System:
A Qualitative Study - Health Care System Barriers to Vaginal Birth after Cesarean Section:
A Qualitative Study - Compassion Satisfaction and Fatigue in Cardiovascular Nurses:
A Cross‑sectional Descriptive Study - Women’s Quality of Life in Iran: A Mixed Method Study
- The Effects of a Training Program Based on the Health Promotion Model
on Physical Activity in Women with Type 2 Diabetes: A Randomized
Controlled Clinical Trial - Nurses Experiences in the Burn Unit: A Qualitative Research
- Empowerment of Nurses: A Key to Stroke Patients’ Satisfactions
- The Effect of Prenatal Self‑Care Based on Orem’s Theory on Preterm
Birth Occurrence in Women at Risk for Preterm Birth - Impact of Accelerated Recovery Program on Compassion Fatigue among
Nurses in South India - Parental Experiences about the Sexual and Reproductive Health of
Adolescent Girls with Intellectual Disability: A Qualitative Study - Postmenopausal Pregnancy: A Case Report
- Home‑Based Care: A Modern Approach to Fight Against Acquired Immune
Deficiency Syndrome in Iran