- Transtheoretical Model of Health Behavioral Change: A Systematic Review
- The Effect of Self‑learning Module on Nursing Students’ Clinical
Competency: A Pilot Study - Evaluating the Effect of a Need‑based Program for Caregivers on the
Stress, Anxiety, Depression, and the Burden of Care in Families of
Children with Attention Deficit‑hyperactive Disorder - The Effect of Two Methods of Relaxation and Prayer Therapy
on Anxiety and Hope in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease:
A Quasi‑Experimental Study - Barriers to Breast Self‑examination among Iranian Women
- Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Nurses’ Perceptions and Knowledge of
Newborn Individualized Developmental Care and Assessment Program:
A Multicenter Study - Comparison of the Effectiveness of Video‑assisted Teaching Program
and Traditional Demonstration on Nursing Students Learning Skills of
Performing Obstetrical Palpation - The Components of Nursing Competence in Caring for Older People in
Iranian Hospitals: A Qualitative Study - The Effect of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy on the Burden in Drug
Dependent Persons’ Caregivers: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial - Communication Behaviors in Nursing Homes in South‑East Iran: An
Ethnographic Study - The Effect of a Family‑Based Training Program on the Care Burden of
Family Caregivers of Patients Undergoing Hemodialysis - Comparison of Two Pain Scales: Behavioral Pain Scale and Critical‑care
Pain Observation Tool During Invasive and Noninvasive Procedures in
Intensive Care Unit‑admitted Patients - Successful Vaginal Delivery in Locked Twins: A Case Report
- What is the Most Serious Obstacle to Participation in Outpatient Cardiac
Rehabilitation Programs among Iranian Patients?