1. Transtheoretical Model of Health Behavioral Change: A Systematic Review
  2. The Effect of Self‑learning Module on Nursing Students’ Clinical
    Competency: A Pilot Study
  3. Evaluating the Effect of a Need‑based Program for Caregivers on the
    Stress, Anxiety, Depression, and the Burden of Care in Families of
    Children with Attention Deficit‑hyperactive Disorder
  4. The Effect of Two Methods of Relaxation and Prayer Therapy
    on Anxiety and Hope in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease:
    A Quasi‑Experimental Study
  5. Barriers to Breast Self‑examination among Iranian Women
  6. Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Nurses’ Perceptions and Knowledge of
    Newborn Individualized Developmental Care and Assessment Program:
    A Multicenter Study
  7. Comparison of the Effectiveness of Video‑assisted Teaching Program
    and Traditional Demonstration on Nursing Students Learning Skills of
    Performing Obstetrical Palpation
  8. The Components of Nursing Competence in Caring for Older People in
    Iranian Hospitals: A Qualitative Study
  9. The Effect of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy on the Burden in Drug
    Dependent Persons’ Caregivers: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial
  10. Communication Behaviors in Nursing Homes in South‑East Iran: An
    Ethnographic Study
  11. The Effect of a Family‑Based Training Program on the Care Burden of
    Family Caregivers of Patients Undergoing Hemodialysis
  12. Comparison of Two Pain Scales: Behavioral Pain Scale and Critical‑care
    Pain Observation Tool During Invasive and Noninvasive Procedures in
    Intensive Care Unit‑admitted Patients
  13. Successful Vaginal Delivery in Locked Twins: A Case Report
  14. What is the Most Serious Obstacle to Participation in Outpatient Cardiac
    Rehabilitation Programs among Iranian Patients?