Learning Outcomes
7.1 General Considerations of Bones 150
1. Defi ne the general anatomical terms for various bone features and
explain the functional signifi cance of each.
7.2 Axial Skeleton 150
2. List the bones of the braincase and of the face.
3. Describe the locations and functions of the auditory ossicles and
the hyoid bone.
4. Describe the major features of the skull as seen from diff erent
5. Describe the structures and functions of the vertebral column and
individual vertebrae.
6. List the features that characterize diff erent types of vertebrae.
7. Describe the thoracic cage and give the number of true, false, and
fl oating ribs.
7.3 Appendicular Skeleton 167
8. Describe the bones of the pectoral girdle and upper limb.
9. Describe the bones of the pelvic girdle and lower limb.
7.4 Joints 177
10. Defi ne the term articulation and explain how joints are named
and classifi ed.
11. List the general features of a fi brous joint, describe the three classes
of fi brous joints, and give examples of each class.
12. List the general features of a cartilaginous joint, describe the two
types of cartilaginous joints, and give examples of each class.
13. Describe the general features of a synovial joint.
14. Defi ne a bursa and a tendon sheath.
15. Describe and give examples of the types of synovial joints.
7.5 Types of Movement 183
16. Defi ne and be able to demonstrate the movements occurring at the
joints of the body.
7.6 Description of Selected Joints 186
17. Describe the temporomandibular, shoulder, elbow, hip, knee, and
ankle joints and the foot arches.
7.7 Effects of Aging on the Joints 191
18. Discuss the age-related changes that occur in