List of contributors, ix
Foreword, xii
Preface, xiii

Section 1: The Scientific Basis
1 Hematopoiesis: an introduction, 3
Hugh J.M. Brady
Section 2: Marrow Failure Syndromes
2 Failure of red cell production, 11
Sarah E. Ball
3 Inherited bone marrow failure syndromes, 30
Yigal Dror
4 Acquired aplastic anemia, 64
Juliana Teo and Yigal Dror

Section 3: Red Cell Disorders
5 Disorders of iron metabolism: iron deficiency, iron
overload and the sideroblastic anemias, 79
Andrew M. Will
6 Megaloblastic anemia and disorders of cobalamin and
folate metabolism, 105
Eric J. Werner
7 Nonimmune neonatal anemias, 130
Brenda E.S. Gibson and Christina Halsey
8 Immune hemolytic anemias, 151
Bertil Glader
9 Disorders of erythrocyte metabolism including
porphyria, 171
Lawrence Wolfe and Peter E. Manley

10 Sickle cell disease, 213
Corrina McMahon
11 Hemoglobin variants and the rarer hemoglobin
disorders, 231
Andreas E. Kulozik
12 Red cell membrane abnormalities, 255
Patrick G. Gallagher
13 Thalassemias, 281
Nancy F. Olivieri and David J. Weatherall
Section 4: Granulocyte Disorders
14 Disorders of granulopoiesis and granulocyte
function, 305
Arian Laurence, Pratima Chowdary and Philip Ancliff
15 Histiocytic disorders, 340
Amir H. Shahlaee and Robert J. Arceci
16 Acute myeloid leukemia, 360
Leslie S. Kean, Robert J. Arceci and William G. Woods
17 Chronic myeloid leukemia, 384
Irene A.G. Roberts and Inderjeet S. Dokal
18 Myelodysplastic syndromes, 405
David K.H. Webb
Section 5: Lymphocyte Disorders
19 Primary and acquired immunodeficiency, 425
Andrew R. Gennery, Adam H.R. Finn and
Andrew J. Cant
20 Clinical features and therapy of lymphoblastic
leukemia, 450
Owen P. Smith and Ian M. Hann
21 Lymphomas, 482
O.B. Eden and Ross Pinkerton



Section 6: Platelet Disorders
22 Inherited and congenital thrombocytopenia, 507
Owen P. Smith
23 Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, 526
Paul Imbach
24 Thrombocytosis, 548
Christof Dame
25 Platelet function disorders, 562
Alan D. Michelson
Section 7: Coagulation Disorders
26 Hemophilia A and B, 585
Judith Smith and Owen P. Smith
27 von Willebrand disease, 598
David Lillicrap
28 Rare congenital hemorrhagic disorders, 608
Nigel S. Key and Margaret A. Heisel-Kurth
29 Acquired disorders of hemostasis, 624
Elizabeth A. Chalmers, Michael D. Williams and
Angela Thomas
30 Bleeding in the neonate, 643
Elizabeth A. Chalmers
31 Thromboembolic complications in children, 672
Mary Bauman and M. Patricia Massicotte

Section 8: Supportive Therapy
32 Blood components and fractionated plasma
products: preparation, indications and
administration, 693
Nancy Robitaille and Heather A. Hume
33 Hazards of transfusion, 724
Naomi L.C. Luban and Edward C.C. Wong
34 Management of infection in children with bone
marrow failure, 745
Subarna Chakravorty and Ian M. Hann
Section 9: Secondary Problems
35 Hematologic effects of systemic disease and
nonhematopoietic tumors, 757
Angela Thomas
36 Lysosomal storage disorders, 778
Brad T. Tinkle and Gregory A. Grabowski
37 Reference values, 792
Paula S. Simpkin and Roderick F. Hinchliffe
Index, 811