Neonatology is intended to be a practical bedside reference – not
a comprehensive textbook – for problems likely to be encountered
in the Newborn Nursery or Newborn Intensive Care Unit by resi-
dents, neonatal nurse practitioners, Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Fel-
lows, family physicians, pediatricians, and neonatologists. In addi-
tion to covering neonatal conditions, supportive care of the newborn,
and neonatal procedures, sections on maternal conditions that have
implications for the newborn, as well as a section on the differential
diagnosis of presenting signs in the newborn are included. Material
is presented in outline format as bullets with short statements. Infor-
mation is provided under headings that are common to all the top-
ics in that section to facilitate navigating among the information pre-
sented under each topic. For example, information in the sections on
conditions is presented under the headings History & Physical, Tests,
Differential Diagnosis, Management, Specific Therapy, Follow-Up, and
Complications and Prognosis, while that in procedures is presented
under the headings Indications, Contraindications, Special Consider-
ations, and Complications.
We hope you find our book useful in your day-to-day encounters
with sick newborn infants and their families.
Richard A. Polin, MD, and John M. Lorenz, MD