1. Global Problem of Hospital Detention Practices
  2. Medicalization Defined in Empirical Contexts – A Scoping Review
  3. “It’s Not Smooth Sailing”: Bridging the Gap Between Methods and Content Expertise in Public Health Guideline Development 
  4. Exploring a New Model of End-of-Life Care for Older People That Operates in the Space Between the Life World and the Healthcare System: A Qualitative Case  Study
  5. Characterizing the Validity and Real-World Utility of Health Technology Assessments in Healthcare: Future Directions Comment on “Problems and Promises of Health Technologies: The Role of Early Health  Economic Modelling”
  6. Aiming Higher: Advancing Public Social Insurance for Long-term Care to Meet the Global Aging Challenge Comment on “Financing Long-term Care: Lessons From Japan”
  7. NCD Prevention and Control: Sustainable and Comprehensive Solutions; A Response to Recent Commentaries 
  8. Current Status of Long-term Care in Taiwan: Transition of  Long-term Care Plan From 1.0 to 2.0