
  1. A Comprehensive School-Based Nutrition Intervention to Improve the Implementation of Healthy School Canteen Policy: A Systematic Review
  2. Effectiveness of Telemedicine on Patient Satisfaction: Meta Analysis
  3. Factors Associated with the Completeness of Inpatient Medical Record Filling in Dr. R Sosodoro Djatikoesoemo,  Bojonegoro, East Java
  4. Factors Correlated with Willingness and Compliance to Pay  National Health Insurance Premium in Jember Regency
  5. Path Analysis on Factors Affecting Job Performance of Midwives at Community Health Centers in Mojokerto, East Java
  6. Path Analysis on Factors Affecting the Use of Hemodialysis in Patients Chronic Renal Disease at Dr. Soehadi Prijonegoro Hospital Sragen, Central Java
  7. The Effectiveness of Learning Methods by Measuring Accuracy and Rationality in Prescription Writing by  Medical Students