- A Comprehensive School-Based Nutrition Intervention to Improve the Implementation of Healthy School Canteen Policy: A Systematic Review
- Effectiveness of Telemedicine on Patient Satisfaction: Meta Analysis
- Factors Associated with the Completeness of Inpatient Medical Record Filling in Dr. R Sosodoro Djatikoesoemo, Bojonegoro, East Java
- Factors Correlated with Willingness and Compliance to Pay National Health Insurance Premium in Jember Regency
- Path Analysis on Factors Affecting Job Performance of Midwives at Community Health Centers in Mojokerto, East Java
- Path Analysis on Factors Affecting the Use of Hemodialysis in Patients Chronic Renal Disease at Dr. Soehadi Prijonegoro Hospital Sragen, Central Java
- The Effectiveness of Learning Methods by Measuring Accuracy and Rationality in Prescription Writing by Medical Students