1. Addressing NCDs: Challenges From Industry Market Promotion and Interferences 
  2. Political and Governance Challenges to Achieving Global HIV Goals with Injecting Drug Users: The Case of Pakistan
  3. The Importance of Leadership and Organizational Capacity in Shaping Health Workers’ Motivational Reactions to Performance-Based Financing: A Multiple Case Study in Burkina Faso
  4. Social Accountability in Maternal Health Services in the Far-Western Development Region in Nepal: An Exploratory Study
  5. HIV Rapid Diagnostic Test Inventories in Zambézia Province, Mozambique: A Tale of 2 Test Kits
  6. Risk Factors for Falls in Hospital In-Patients: A Prospective Nested Case Control Study
  7. Framing Bias in the Interpretation of Quality Improvement Data: Evidence From an Experiment
  8. Future Directions for the Organizational Readiness for Knowledge Translation (OR4KT) Tool: Response to Recent Commentaries
  9. Creating the Right Sort of Ship to Achieve Integrated Care: A Response to Recent Commentaries
  10. Capacity Building to Improve Hospital Managers’ Performance in West Asia