1. Determinants of Exclusive Breastfeeding Practices of Female Healthcare Workers in Jakarta, Indonesia
  2. Low Knowledge and Unawareness of the Health Promotion as the Determinant Factors in Non-Compliance to the Mass Drug Administration Program
  3. Parity and Marital Status as Factors Influencing Contraceptive Use among Adolescents in Indonesia
  4. Exclusive Breastfeeding History Risk Factor Associated with Stunting of Children Aged 12–23 Months
  5. Patterns and Determinants of Open Defecation among Urban People
  6. Analysis of Measles Vaccination Refusal on Social Media (Facebook) among Anti-Vaccine Communities in Indonesia
  7. Evaluation of Added Sugar and Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Consumption by University Students
  8. Assessment of Characteristics and Conditions before the End of Lockdown
  9. Risk Perception for Developing Erectile Dysfunction Among Malaysian Men with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
  10. Junk Food Consumption and Symptoms of Mental Health Problems: A Meta-Analysis for Public Health Awareness