1. Evaluation on The Use of Antibiotics for Pneumonia Patients
  2. Spouse’s Coping In Caring For The Elderly With Dementia
  3. The Effect Of Koya Reboned Powder Consumption On Protein Levels Of PregnantWomen In Prevention Of Stunting In Babies
  4. The Effect of WAG (WhatsApp Group) And Face to Face Health Education on Parental Role Model of Fruit Vegetable Consumption
  5. Assessment of Job Risks in the Chemical Laboratory of the Pharmacy Study Program with Job Safety Analysis (JSA) Techniques
  6. Validity and Reliability of Community Satisfaction Measurement Instrument in Health Care Institution
  7. Overview of Health Program Innovation “Fun For Mom”
  8. Factors Related to Incident Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF)
  9. The Influence of Work Autonomy, Workload, Work Bornage and Interpersonal Conflict on Nurse Performance in Patient
  10. Group-Based Restorative Care Model For Improving Social Interaction Among Elderly In Nursing Home