- Factors Affecting the Quality of Outpatient Registration Service and Patient Satisfaction at the Community Health Center in Surakarta and Karanganyar, Central Java
- Knowledge, Attitude, and Implementation of Cold Chain Management in Boalemo District, Gorontalo, Indonesia
- Motivation, Supervision, and Adherence to Medical Waste Policy in South Labuhanbatu, North Sumatera
- Path Analysis on Factors Affecting the Decision to Choose School of Acupuncture
- Path Analysis on the Equity of Hemodialysis Utilization in the National Health Insurance Program in Jember, East Java
- Telemedicine, Cost Effectiveness, and Patients Satisfaction: A Systematic Review
- The Relations of Structuration in the BPJS Health Program and the Changing of Health Behavior
- Variables at the Community Health Center Have the Ecological Effect on the Performance of Health Workers: A Multilevel Evidence from Klaten, Central Java