1. Factors Affecting the Quality of Outpatient Registration Service and Patient Satisfaction at the Community Health Center in Surakarta and Karanganyar, Central Java 
  2. Knowledge, Attitude, and Implementation of Cold Chain Management in Boalemo District, Gorontalo, Indonesia
  3. Motivation, Supervision, and Adherence to Medical Waste Policy in South Labuhanbatu, North Sumatera
  4. Path Analysis on Factors Affecting the Decision to Choose School of Acupuncture
  5. Path Analysis on the Equity of Hemodialysis Utilization in the National Health Insurance Program in Jember, East Java
  6. Telemedicine, Cost Effectiveness, and Patients Satisfaction: A Systematic Review 
  7. The Relations of Structuration in the BPJS Health Program and the Changing of Health Behavior 
  8. Variables at the Community Health Center Have the Ecological Effect on the Performance of Health Workers: A Multilevel Evidence from Klaten, Central Java