1. Sleep Quality in Iranian Hemodialysis Patients: A Systematic Review and
  2. Assessing the Quality of Existing Clinical Practice Guidelines for
    Chemotherapy Drug Extravasation by Appraisal of Guidelines for
    Research and Evaluation II
  3. The Needs of Women Who Have Experienced “Maternal Near Miss”:
    A Systematic Review of Literature
  4. The Effect of the Appraisal Interview on Nurses’ Performance in Neonatal
    Intensive Care Units
  5. Vancomycin Infusion Methods on Phlebitis Prevention in Children
  6. The Relationship between Maternal Confidence, Infant Temperament, and
    Postpartum Depression
  7. The Effect of Sexual Education based on Sexual Health Model on the
    Sexual Function of Women with Infertility
  8. Comparing the Effect of Foot and Hand Reflexology on Pain Severity after
    Appendectomy: A Randomized Clinical Trial
  9. Intention to Leave the Nursing Profession and Its Relation with Work
    Climate and Demographic Characteristics
  10. Nursing Educators’ Experiences Regarding Students’ Mistakes in Clinical
  11. The Effects of Self‑Compassion Education on the Self‑Efficacy of the
    Clinical Performance of Nursing Students
  12. Evaluation of Nurses’ Attitude toward the Provision of Oral Hygiene Care
    to Hospitalized Patients at Two Private Hospitals in South India
  13. Mutual Support: A Solution to Improve Patient Safety During Nurses’
    Work Overload