- The Portfolio as a Tool for Mentoring in Nursing Students: A Scoping
Review - Effect of Telenursing on Levels of Depression and Anxiety in Caregivers
of Patients with Stroke: A Randomized Clinical Trial - “Immersion in an Ocean of Psychological Tension:” The Voices of
Mothers with Children Undergoing Hemodialysis - The Relationship between Perception of Social Support and Fatigue in
Patients with Cancer - Thematic Analysis of Management Behaviors of Civilian Nurses in
Iran‑Iraq War 1980–1988: A Historical Research - The Effect of Social Support Skill‑training Group Intervention on
Perceived Social Support in Veterans with Posttraumatic Stress Disorde - Effect of a Care Plan on the Quality of Life of the Patients with Atrial
Fibrillation - Effect of Hope Therapy on the Mood Status of Patients with Diabetes
- The Effects of Motivational Interviewing on the Health Status of Patients
Undergoing Hemodialysis - Exploring Self‑Care Needs of Pregnant Women with Gingivitis: A
Qualitative Study in Iran - Comparing the Effects of Progressive Muscle Relaxation and Physical
Activity on Pregnant Women’s General Health - The Barriers and Challenges of Applying New Strategies in the Clinical
Evaluation of Nursing Students from the Viewpoints of Clinical Teachers - Psychosocial Factors Related to Dietary Habits in Women Undergoing
Preconception Care - Effectiveness of Postpartum Homecare Program as a New Method on
Mothers’ Knowledge about the Health of the Mother and the Infant - The Effect of Spiritual Care on the Body Image of Patients Undergoing
Amputation due to Type 2 Diabetes: A Randomized Clinical Trial - A Comparative Study of the Effects of Skin Contact and Kangaroo Care
on Mother’s Anxiety