1. Breast Cancer Among Young Women in Iran
  2. Medication Adherence Among Women Undergoing Infertility Treatment: A Systematic Review
  3. Sexual Education and Women Empowerment in Health: A Review of the Literature
  4. Changes in Fetal Circulation After Maternal Corticosteroid Administration: A Systematic Review
  5. Perception and Socio-cultural Barriers to the Acceptance of Caesarean Delivery in A Tertiary Hospital in Abakaliki, South East Nigeria
  6. Bone Health Status among Postmenopausal Women in Malaysia
  7. The Relationship of Spiritual Health and Mother’s Forgiveness With Her Anxiety in the Labor of the Pregnant Women
  8. Fixed Versus Flexible Antagonist Protocol in Reduced Ovarian Reserve Patients: A Historical Cohort Study
  9. Comparison of Pregnancy Rate in Patients With Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Treated With Clomiphene Alone and in Combination With N-acetyl Cysteine: A Randomized Clinical Trial
  10. Validity and Reliability of Sexual Behavior of Infertile Women Questionnaire: Investigating the Development and Psychometric Properties
  11. The Association Between Menopausal Symptoms and General Health Among Iranian Women With Menopause: A Cross-Sectional Study
  12. The Effect of Ginger on Preventing Post-spinal Puncture Headache in Patients Undergoing Cesarean Section
  13. Diagnostic Value of Pap Smear and Colposcopy in Non-benign Cervical Lesions
  14. Glycated Hemoglobin and Lipid Profile Association Among Pregnant Women in Saudi Arabian Population
  15. The Prevalence and Determinants of Using Withdrawal to Avoid Pregnancy in Tabriz, Iran
  16. Entrapped Urinary Calculi in Iatrogenically Created Vaginal Pocket During Robotic Repair of Vesicovaginal Fistula
  17. Management of Early Menopause Using Traditional Persian Medicine: A Case Report