Symbols and abbreviations xii
Part 1 Background
1 Aetiology and epidemiology 3
2 The genetics of cancer 17
3 Surgical oncology 31
Part 2 Principles of treatment
4 Principles of radiation oncology 49
5 Principles of chemotherapy 83
6 Principles of symptom control in
palliative care 111
7 Late effects of chemotherapy and
radiotherapy 157
8 Hormone therapy 169
9 Targeted and biological therapies 179
Part 3 Clinical trials, cancer prevention,
and screening
10 Clinical trials 199
11 Cancer prevention 203
12 Population screening for cancer 217
Part 4 Specific types of cancer
13 Thoracic malignancies 225
14 Breast cancer 261
15 Colorectal cancer 299

Contents x
16 Anal cancer 311
17 Upper gastrointestinal cancer 317
18 Endocrine cancers 381
19 Genitourinary cancers 403
20 Gynaecological cancers 445
21 Head and neck cancers 467
22 Tumours of the central nervous system 495
23 Skin cancers 523
24 Haematological malignancies 549
25 Bone and soft tissue malignancies 603
26 Malignancy of unknown primary 629
27 Paraneoplastic syndromes 645
28 AIDS-related malignancies 655
29 Childhood cancers presenting in adults 671
Part 5 Emergencies in oncology
30 Spinal cord compression and bone marrow
suppression 681
31 Overview of acute oncology 691
32 Superior vena cava obstruction and raised
intracranial pressure 695
33 Airway obstruction 703
34 Thromboembolic and cardiac emergencies 711
35 Obstruction 719
36 Biochemical crises 731
37 Complications of long-term central venous
lines and chemotherapy extravasation 743

Contents xi

Part 6 The way forward
38 Novel therapeutic strategies 749
39 Gene therapy and genetic immunotherapy
for cancer 759
40 Biomarkers and cancer 773
Part 7 Appendices
Appendix 1 NCIC common toxicity criteria
(CTC) grading system (March 1998, revised) 785
Appendix 2 Nomogram for the determination
of body surface area 853
Appendix 3 Performance status 855
Appendix 4 Support agencies’ addresses
and websites 857
Index 859