For Nursing Faculty
Our key goal in developing this book has been to provide timely information that
is applicable to current practice and is fun to read. An Instructor’s TEACH for
Nurses lesson plan manual, which is web-based, is available from the publisher
on the Evolve website to assist faculty in planning and promoting a positive
transition experience. This valuable website contains suggestions for classroom
and clinically based student activities. Additionally, we have included the 2016
Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN) Standards
throughout each TEACH for Nurses lesson plan manual among other curriculum
standards (i.e., QSEN, BSN Essentials).
At the request of nursing faculty using our book, we have continued to
provide a secure, updated web-based Test Bank and have developed more than
300 questions, with detailed rationales included on higher order level test
questions; text page references indicating where the correct answer can be
obtained in the chapter have been provided for all test items. Additional
alternate-format test items have also been added to the Test Bank. We have
provided students with over 100 NCLEX-style questions that test their
knowledge of the chapter content. We have also provided suggested responses
for selected critical thinking questions threaded throughout each chapter. We
have included accompanying textbook appendices and have expanded the
content within Evolve, which supports the textbook, that includes PowerPoint
presentations with audience-response questions, sample NCLEX-style questions,
including alternate-format items, and case studies. The Evolve website will
continue to provide updated information as new trends and issues affect the
practice of nursing.
Nursing Today Transition and Trends