1. A gender-based comparison of intermolar width conducted at Padjajaran University Dental Hospital, Bandung, Indonesia
Adriana Azlan, Endah Mardiati and Ida Ayu Evangelina…………………………………………………… 168–171
2. The expression of nuclear factor of activated T cell c1 and receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa β induced by Enterococcus faecalis in osteoclastogenesis (laboratory experiment on Wistar rats)
Nirawati Pribadi, Rosita Rahmawati, Mandojo Rukmo, Adelina Kristanti Tandadjaja, Hendy Jaya Kurniawan and Ratna Puspita Hadi…………… 172–176
3. Effectiveness of Anadara granosa shell-Stichopus hermanni granules at accelerating woven bone formation fourteen days after tooth extraction
Rima Parwati Sari and Hansen Kurniawan……………………………… 177–182
4. Proliferation of odontoblast-like cells following application of a combination of calcium hydroxide and propolis
Ira Widjiastuti, Sri Kunarti, Fauziah Diajeng Retnaningsih, Evri Kusumah Ningtyas,Debby Fauziah Suryani and Andrie Handy Kusuma……………………. 183–186
5. The correlation between exposure to cigarette smoke and the degree of mucosal epithelium-based dysplasia in Rattus norvegicus tongues
Dorisna Prijaryanti, Diah Savitri Ernawati, Desiana Radithia, Hening Tuti Hendarti and Rosnah Binti Zain……………………………….. 187–191
6. Microleakage difference between total-etch and self-etch bonding in bulk fill packable composite restoration after carbonic acid immersion
Widya Saraswati, Dian Pramita Ayu Kumalasari and Adioro Soetojo…………………………………. 192–196
7. Analysis of the relationship between human cytomegalovirus DNA and gB-1 genotype in the saliva of HIV/AIDS patients with xerostomia and salivary flow rate
Irna Sufiawati, S. Suniti, Revi Nelonda, Rudi Wisaksana, Agnes Rengga Indrati, Riezki Amalia and Isabellina Dwades…………………………………….. 197–203
8. Peripheral ossifying fibroma of the anterior maxillary gingiva
Ganendra Anugraha and Ni Putu Mira Sumarta……………………………………………………………….. 204–208
9. The effects of shark liver oil on fibroblasts and collagen density in the periodontal ligaments of Wistar rats induced with Porphyromonas gingivalis
Dian Mulawarmanti, Dwi Andriani, Dian Widya Damaiyanti, Farizia Putri Khoirunnisa and Alifati Nita Juliatin……………………… 209–214
10. Minimum inhibitory concentration of cocoa pod husk extract in Enterococcus faecalis extracellular polymeric substance biofilm thickness
Tamara Yuanita, Latief Mooduto, Reinold Christian Lina, Fajar Agus Muttaqin,
Ika Tangdan, Revina Ester Iriani Marpaung and Yulianti Kartini Sunur…………………………… 215–218
11. The potency of Andrographis paniculata Nees extract to increase the viability of monocytes following exposure to Porphyromonas gingivalis
Yani Corvianindya Rahayu, Didin Erma Indahyani, Sheila Dian Pradipta and Anis Irmawati……………………… 219–223