- A cluster randomized theory-guided oral hygiene trial in adolescents—A latent growth model
- A randomized clinical trial on the efficacy of a new oxalate-containing sensitivity relief strip following professional vs self-application
- A review of the oral health-related quality of life (OHRQL) model for dental hygiene: Eighteen years later
- An evaluation of a school-based dental sealant programme
- Assessment of efficacy of two chlorhexidine mouthrinses on oral hygiene and gingival health in adolescents wearing two types of orthodontic brackets
- Attending and avoiding dental appointments: Do “bright” and “dark” motivational paths have a role?
- Attitudes to dental care, Sweden 2003-2013, and clinical correlates of oral health-related quality of life in 2013
- Caries experience of children in primary schools with long-term tooth brushing programs: A pilot Australian study
- Community-based preventive activities in the Public Dental Service in Norway
- Comparison of two interdental cleaning aids_ A randomized clinical trial
- Dental visiting behaviours among primary schoolchildren_ Application of the health belief model
- Effect of bristle stiffness of manual toothbrushes on normal and demineralized human enamel—An in vitro profilometric study
- Effects of ultrasonic instrumentation on enamel surfaces with various defects
- Experience of dental care, knowledge and attitudes of older immigrants in Sweden—A qualitative study
- Exploring the role of the dental hygienist in reducing oral health disparities in Canada_ A qualitative study
- Hygiene practices in removable prosthodontics_ A systematic review
- Influence of a preschool preventive dental programme on caries prevalence, oral care and secretory immunity to Streptococcus mutans in young adults
- Oral cancer screening practices of Canadian dental hygienists
- Oral health status of six-year-old children in Qatar: findings from the national oral health survey
- Oral impacts on daily performance_ Validity, reliability and prevalence estimates among Indian adolescents
- Parental attitudes towards oral health and caries-risk in their children
- Perceptions of oral health by those living with mental illnesses in the Victorian Community -The consumer’s perspective
- Preservation of root cementum: a comparative evaluation of power-driven versus hand instruments
- Prevalence of diabetes among patients diagnosed with periodontitis: A retrospective cross-sectional study
- Randomized controlled trial on mouth rinse and flossing efficacy on interproximal gingivitis and dental plaque
- Supportive periodontal treatment_ Pocket depth changes and tooth loss
- The association between oral health status and respiratory pathogen colonization with pneumonia risk in institutionalized adults
- The association of medications with sedative properties with oral health behaviour in community-dwelling older people