Contributors, v
Foreword to the First Edition, vii
Preface, ix
Acknowledgments, x
Section 1 Structure Function, and Repair, 1
1 Structure Function and Repair of the Liver, 3
Ulrich Baumann, Alastair J.W. Millar, and Rachel M. Brown
Section 2 Investigating the Liver, 19
2 The Approach to the Child with Liver Disease:
Differential Diagnosis and Useful Investigations, 21
Deirdre A. Kelly
Section 3 Liver Disease in Pregnancy, 35
3 The Effects of Liver Disease on Mother and Child, 37
Jane Hartley and Elwyn Elias
Section 4 Neonatal liver disease, 55
4 The Jaundiced Baby, 57
Eve A. Roberts
5 The Acutely Ill Baby, 106
Patrick J. McKiernan
Section 5 Acute Liver Disease, 127
6 Infective Disorders of the Liver, 129
Suzanne Davison and Elizabeth H. Boxall
7 Acute Liver Failure, 169
Peter F. Whitington, Estella M. Alonso, and Robert H. Squires

Section 6 Liver Disease in Older Children, 189
8 Autoimmune Liver Disease, 191
Giorgina Mieli-Vergani and Diego Vergani
9 Drug-Induced Liver Disease, 207
Karen F. Murray
10 Congenital and Structural Abnormalities of the
Liver, 231
Jaime Liou Wolfe and Kathleen B. Schwarz
11 Nonalcoholic Steatosis, 253
Eve A. Roberts
12 Hepatobiliary Disease in Cystic Fibrosis, 270
Carla Colombo
Section 7 Metabolic Liver Disease, 289
13 Metabolic Liver Disease in the Infant and Older
Child, 291
Anupam Chakrapani and Anne Green
14 Disorders of Copper Metabolism, 328
Stuart Tanner
Section 8 Management of Chronic Liver
Disease, 349
15 Complications and Management of Chronic Liver
Disease, 351
Ross Shepherd
Section 9 The Liver and Other Organs, 379
16 The Liver in Systemic Illness, 381
Susan V. Beath
17 Skin Disorders in Liver Disease, 404
Indra D.M. van Mourik and Michelle Thomson


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18 Dental Care of Children with Liver Disease, 420
Marie-Therese Hosey and Victoria Clark
Section 10 Surgical Management of Liver
Disease, 431
19 Surgical Disorders of the Liver and Bile Ducts and Portal
Hypertension, 433
Alastair J.W. Millar
20 Primary Hepatic Tumors, 475
Bruce Morland and Jean de Ville de Goyet
Section 11 Transplantation, 501
21 Liver Transplantation, 503
Deirdre A. Kelly and David Mayer
22 Small-Bowel Transplantation in Children, 531
Jorge Reyes

Section 12 The Developing World, 551
23 Liver Disease in the Developing World, 553
Seng-Hock Quak, Anupam Sibal, and Mei-Hwei Chang
Section 13 Supporting the Child and Family,
24 The Role of the Multidisciplinary Team, 579
Graham Gordon, Julie Reed, Jacqueline Blyth, and
Carolyn J. Patchell
25 Adolescence and Transition to Adult Care, 599
Janet E. McDonagh and Deirdre A. KellyIndex, 615