The fifth edition of Color Atlas of Common Oral Diseases
bene ts rom keeping some o the old, yet bringing in the
new. One prominent thing that remains is the . Our
Oral Disease Atlas is one o the ew whose ormat is arranged

by disease appearance, such that similar-appearing dis-
eases are grouped together. Why do we do this? Because the

patient bene ts rom this assessment approach. It also makes
learning easier. Consistent with this, e orts have been made

to keep the book user- riendly by exploiting the use o col-
or-coded tabs at the outer edge o the page margins or easy

location o similar-appearing diseases and disorders. T e
color o the tab was selected to be similar in appearance to
the types o diseases ound within that section (e.g., caries:
tan-brown; periodontium: pink; radiographs: black). T e
color o the tab also is matched with the page headers on

the le -hand page within each section so readers will eas-
ily identi y the section they are reading. Further, the table o

contents has been moved to inside the jacket cover, or easier
re erence and quick locating o any section o the book. As
in the past, high-quality color images are presented eight to
a page and always on the right side. Found on the matching

le -hand side are the concise, ocused, and detailed descrip-
tions that enhance student learning. Images continue to be

selected with the intent to be highly representative o the
most common appearance o that disease entity, so students

o dentistry, dental hygiene, and dental assisting can recog-
nize the most common appearance o that particular disease.

While unyielding on the ormat, images, and descrip-
tions, this edition represents several signi cant evolutionary

improvements and expanded coverage as compared with our
previous editions. Care ul consideration was given to expand
areas previously underrepresented, select highly representative
cases, use new illustrations, exploit the electronic ormat or
visualization and learning, and utilize web-based resources.