Recipient Selection …………………………………………………..1
Donna M. Mancini and Chandra Kunavarapu
2 Donor Selection and Management of the High-Risk
Donor …………………………………………………………..19
Jonathan M. Chen and Niloo M. Edwards
3 UNOS Policy and Transplant Coordination
in Practice …………………………………………………….37
Helen Hauff
4 Techniques of Cardiac Transplantation in Adults ………63
Jeffrey A. Morgan and Niloo M. Edwards
5 Techniques of Cardiac Transplantation
for Congenital Heart Disease ………………………….79
Jonathan M. Chen, Jeffrey A. Morgan,
and Ralph S. Mosca
6 Pathology and the Transplant Patient ……………………….97
Charles C. Marboe and Bachir Alobeid
7 Posttransplant Management …………………………………..123
Sean P. Pinney
8 Immunosuppression for Cardiac Transplantation …….159
Ranjit John, Mario C. Deng, and Silviu Itescu
9 Long-Term Outcomes With Transplantation……………185
Mario C. Deng
10 Pediatric Heart Transplantation ……………………………..203
Jacqueline M. Lamour, Linda J. Addonizio
11 Surgical Alternatives to Transplantation …………………227
Deon W. Vigilance and Michael Argenziano
12 Mechanical Circulatory Assistance As a Bridge
to Transplantation ……………………………………….245
Takushi Kohmoto and Yoshifumi Naka